Launch of new Vlog!

For a while now I have been toying with the idea of a Video blog ( Vlog ). Having made a few short video’s in the past of some of my sessions I wanted to take things to the next level.

I fish a fair bit throughout the year using various methods including Fly, Lure and LRF styles of fishing so I felt there was plenty of opportunity for me to create regular content and include all these methods. The style I fish is usually dictated by the current conditions, including tides, wind and Sea state at various marks around the Island. Being flexible and keeping an eye on the prevailing conditions keeps me fishing when if I were fishing just one style, I might dismiss going fishing altogether at certain times.

Now there are plenty of Vloggers out there, granted, but very few include Saltwater fly fishing and looking on You tube it’s hard to find good video’s relating to the UK Saltwater fly scene and I hope to include a fair bit within the Vlog.

Before proceeding I gave a lot of thought about what format I wanted the Vlog to take. Now I admit freely I am not much of a talker and more of a do’er, I consider myself an angler, first and foremost above all else, it’s who I am and my whole life revolves around it. Therefore I wanted the Vlog to reflect how I see my angling.

Now I don’t know about you but I love watching atmospheric, well filmed sequences rather than Go Pro / Action camera style video’s. That’s just my personal preference and I’m not saying there is anything wrong with filming that way, indeed you will see the odd frame or two shot on a chest cam, but I wanted to produce as high a quality Vlog as possible and so I have immersed myself into the world of filmmaking, spending many hours watching tutorials and studying methods and techniques in film making so that I might achieve my goal of producing nicely shot content for the enjoyment of others. And that is the shape that the Vlog will take, I will be doing a little talking but for the most part each edition will contain a short and hopefully atmospheric and inspiring film describing my fishing for that month.

So without further ado Please follow the link below to what is my first official episode of the Vlog. I did put up a pilot episode at the end of last month just to gauge reaction and as an experiment to see what the format might look like, If you compare the two I think you’ll see that things are moving along nicely regarding quality and my skills as a videographer. If you enjoy the Vlogs please let me know by liking them and subscribing to the channel so you receive notification when each new episode is uploaded.

Thanks for reading and hopefully watching 😉

2 thoughts on “Launch of new Vlog!”

  1. An excellent Vlog. I wholeheartedly agree with you about the lack of quality UK saltwater flyfishing videos; I admire what you are doing and share your ethos about video content. TBH. I get sick and tired if seeing anglers just catching fish. As has been said many times; there is more to fishing than catching fish. I particularly like the driftwood you filmed. The texture is wonderful.

    I can’t wait for next months’ Vlog

    Keep up the excellent work.


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